There are many rewards to raising a dog. The dog is a very intelligent and loving pet. They have a special ability to understand and respond to the feelings of the master. A dog is very sensitive to its owner's responses. For the above reasons, raising a dog is more advantageous than raising another pet.
About benefits of having a dog at home
1. Getting mentally healthy.
Having a dog at home will help you to improve your mental health. One reason is that the dog recognizes and responds to the master's behavior patterns. And the dog is a very active animal so the owner is tempted to play with it. It improves the mental health of the master. Raising a dog has been psychologically proven to improve the mental health of the dog owner. dog owners have so many benefits from having a dog at home.
2. Security.
Having a dog at home provides excellent protection. For this, it is essential to choose a dog that belongs to the "guard dog" category. With proper training, the dog can be used for very serious safety purposes. Dogs can also be used to provide protection and care for a small child at home. A dog breed such as golden retriever, or labrador retriever is best for this.
3. Assist in animal husbandry.
Properly trained dogs use animal husbandry in many countries. The primary reason for the breeding of dogs such as the German Shepherd is to assist in controlling the sheep herd. Dogs such as the Bulikutta in Afghanistan are used to protect sheep from wolves.
4. Support for the elderly.
The use of dogs to improve the mental health of physically challenged retirees has become a new trend.
Dogs help in many other ways., including supporting the security forces. And help from the dog, such as drug raids. It is essential to give the dog proper training for that. The dog is the man's closest friend. The service they render to man as animals are immense. Even such a useful animal is looked down upon by humans. Still, street dogs are on the rise. Arbitrarily buying puppies and throwing them away as they age is an irresponsible act. We at winwoof ask you to lovingly care for your dog. because elder persons have so many benefits of having a dog at home.
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